Real Crime: Deadliest Psychopaths
Psychopaths are all around us, craving both power and authority – but most find ways to sate their desires through high-flying careers or adrenaline-fuelled experiences. A handful, however, get their thrills hidden in the shadows of society, manipulating, terrifying and terrorising the powerless around them. In this brand-new book from the makers of Real Crime magazine, we explore the stories of some of history’s sickest psychopaths, from perverts like Bob Berdella who basked in the torturous pain he inflicted on his captives, to the sickly sweet façade of Dorothea Puente, whose doting grandma persona hid a terrifying lust for blood and money. Elsewhere, find out how modern forensic techniques nailed the killers of decades-old unsolved cases, and explore the horrors of HH Holmes’s ‘Murder Castle’.